I normally fail when it comes to keeping a blog, but I also see this as being a way that could benefit me (and those around me) in understanding the inner-workings of my brain. This will also be a great place for me to go back, as a reference, when life events come up and I need to go back and use a post as reference.
I am not sure, since blogger is apparently tied to my personal email, how much personal information you can see on this already. I'm going to assume that my information is kept separate, and that blogger is just awesome in allowing my login to be my email.
I'm happily married to my Dark Knight, who I will either refer to as D or Hubby. Between us we have 3 kids (none together, though that could change in the future). G is my 15 year old stepson, V is my almost 8 year old boy, and H is my 7 year old diva stepdaughter. I work in a juvenile detention facility, my hubby is a team lead for a large call center customer service company, and while our jobs are in two totally different fields we are still totally supportive of each other (and it helps that we met while working for a call center job years ago).
Warning - I have ADHD, though it's not nearly as obnoxious as it was when I was younger, and I deal with depression. I don't like to use the word suffer, so I don't suffer from these. They are a pain in the butt, but (ha, see what I did there?!!?) I've been dealing with it long enough that it's just a part of who I am.
This blog is being created as a place where some of my more darker parts of my brain can unload, where updates can be shared that I don't necessarily want plastered on my facebook page, and where I will just jabber away and unload my brain. Many people tell me to journal my experiences, but I write so much slower than I type. Then I lose my thoughts, and can't get them back, which depresses me. So to avoid adding to my annoying depression, I shall overshare and type away.
Excuse the next few posts - this is also a place where I can save things I may need to refer back to in the future, so I'm updating them now before I forget.
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