On a day that I should feel happy, or at least celebrated, I'm feeling rather down. Work has gone from being something I felt I was great at to being somewhere I feel like I'm constantly second guessing myself. I have to work my birthday (just got off one graveyard shift...go back tonight for another) which I'd normally not have an issue with, but BOTH managers chose to be off last night. So after getting my butt handed to me by BOTH managers they then turn around and take off on the 15/16th...Thanks...assholes...
I lost my money card which, if it were a regular bank, I would have just gone to the bank and withdrew money in person before reporting it lost. But because I still have one negative account (it's almost paid off...but that doesn't solve my issue right now) I have been dealing with a Walmart Money Card. So guess who is almost out of gas in the car, going to a theme park tomorrow (already bought tickets) without funds to get the old timey picture that we were hoping to do, and no birthday cake for me to take to work today (I know my waist line doesn't need it... but I do!). *sigh*
I'm 29. I'm closing in on 30. I'm working so hard to be at a point in my life where I can celebrate things like my birthday, anniversary, and things like that...but it seems every time I get my hopes up it all comes crashing down.
I even became a catty bitch toward my husband yesterday. We were both desperately searching for my money card, and I was dealing with having just been bitched out by management (I don't want to explain it all...just know that it was all bullshit and I can't believe that after all my hard work & dedication that they would pull this crap on me the day before my birthday!), and I was tired...and I've got a monster of a homework assignment I need to get done by Monday... and just... I was very mean to my husband and I'm left feeling awful. I did apologize to him, we kissed and made up... but I was still mean without reason. I let my emotions rule my words, and damn those emotions are one cruel beast!
Hopefully I get some rest today, get most of my homework done today, and get to enjoy time with my hubby and stepdaughter. I'm just stressed, and today should be a day where I'm not overly stressed.
Life! OI!
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