Perhaps I'll get better at keeping this badboy updated. But life has been hellatiously chaotic lately.
I graduated with my Masters degree in December (YAAY!). I'm still working for the same job in juvenile corrections, which doesn't pay me nearly what I'm worth. But I'm staying until I find something better.
The job that my hubby got, that was this AMAZING blessing, has ended up being something that puts a drain on my husbands happiness. He was hired to be a coach, which is ultimately an assistant team lead. He goes to work as scheduled, unless he has a sick day (which is rare, but has happened), and believes he does a good job. But instead of continuing his training as a coach, and having him do the things that a coach should be doing, they've had him on the phones for his entire shift. So he's an agent that is making Coach pay, but he has seen things happening that make him believe that they hired a bunch of people... and are now working to weed those who they've deemed unnecessary out. He has 18 years call center experience, with a # of years in a supervisory role, and he is feeling very down and out about the whole thing. It takes all he has (and I'm doing my best to be his cheerleader) to even go to work, since he has a feeling they're just trying to work him out of the door.
He has applied for a few other jobs, ever since this feeling of "They're working me to get rid of me" came up, and we're hoping to hear something from them. So *fingers crossed*.
I'm not having the greatest luck landing a new job, either. I've interviewed for at least 10 positions, and I keep being overlooked for the positions. I keep applying for jobs that are in the career path that I want to go, and I keep feeling like I'm doing something wrong. It's hard to feel motivated, feel like I'm worth a damn, when so many people keep saying "Thanks, but no thanks." Ya know?
Anyway... enough on that blah-ness.
We're moving. Again. FUCKING YAAY, right? Long story short - we moved in February last year due to a water issue in the old apartment. When landlord had us fix lease with correct apartment #, they changed our lease end date from April to February (so hubby and I thought we had until April to plan a move). Now we only have until the end of February. Yeah, it's not 24 hours of hell moving, but it's still a move... and none of the apartments in the area are even remotely close to the price and size of what we've been living in. So here we go... moving into a smaller 2 bedroom apartment for almost $300 more a month. Yeah, it has the cable package bundled into rent, so take out $100 and we're still paying $200 more a month for a smaller space.
But - SILVER LINING - it allows my son, V, to remain in his school and working with the amazing resource team he has there. V is on the autism spectrum and has 3 hours of special focus each day. I am so grateful for his school, and the helpers there, because they're truly helping V become the boy (I'd say man, but he's 8... NOT YET!) I know he can be. It also allows G, my stepson, to continue going to the same High School. So we're going to stay in this new apartment (once we move) until G graduates. Maybe longer. But at least until G graduates, so that he can stay going to the same school.
The sacrifices we parents do to give our children stability. Yeah, this move is sudden. Yeah, we're losing space. But you get to stay in the same school, keep your friends but still experience a new place and new memories.
Oh...last blurp... I'm 30ish hours awake thus far, and I still have at least 4 hours left of being awake.
Someone just shoot me with a tranquilizer dart...please... so that I can sleep & not feel guilty for sleeping, instead of accomplishing all the shit I've got to do before the end of the month.
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