Day 4 of taking Prozac - I work graveyard shift. I find myself yawning more, and feeling more exhausted and ready for bed. That's 2 days now that I've been able to fall asleep next to my snoring husband. Maybe I am just more tired? I dunno...I've, up until 2 days ago, struggled to fall asleep if my husband is already snoring. But yesterday and today, as soon as I got home and faceplanted my pillow I was out. I don't know what to make of that...
Another thing that has been happening that I've never (remembered) had legs were bouncing all over the place last night @ work. You know how people sit, tapping their heel, which means their leg is bouncing around...well I was doing that for at least 6 out of 8 hours. When I'd get frustrated at one leg and finally get it to stop the OTHER leg would go bouncing. I finally had to take my shoes off so that I wasn't making as much annoying noise. Not sure if that is the pills, or if I just happened to be in a leg bouncing mood last night...but when I've bounced my legs before it's only been for 10-15 minutes, and then my leg feels kinda funny. So I stop. I've never constantly bounced for more than a short period, but last night it wouldn't stop. It was freaking annoying! Oh - and when I would walk, doing bed checks and stuff, my legs felt like they should be bouncing...but I can't really bounce them while I'm standing on them. So it was a little weird.
Phillip Seymore Hoffman died. Yes, he was a fantastic part of Hollywood, made quite a number of enjoyable movies, and was awkwardly handsome. But he died of a drug overdose. I don't know the dude, and he didn't die an honorable death, and so why are people all over the place glorifying him? He was a drug addict, who died because he couldn't keep reaching out for help. He was 23 years clean, so he knew how to avoid it...and yet he died from a freaking Heroin overdose. I'm sorry...but drug addicts/abusers die on the streets every day, and there are many that are left without anyone to mourn them. The only reason (I feel) that Mr. Hoffman is being mourned is because people are sad that they won't see any more films made/starring/edited by him. Yes, it sucks he's dead. But I try not to mourn those who did the crap to themselves. There's enough sadness and death in the world with those who die of natural causes, murder, cancer, blah blah blah...Yes, I hope he rests in I hope anyone who passes finds the peace that they deserve.
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