So I went back to my parents house today, having helped tear apart their bedroom yesterday. Worked on the kids room, and made great progress with the whole "purging" aspect of cleaning. My mom says "I've been meaning to get rid of stuff and clean up, but it's so much easier to get rid of stuff when I think 'ACK! Bugs!'"
We emptied, wiped, and sprayed everything down in the kids room. We did not, however, see ANY signs of bed bugs in the kids room. There have not been signs of bed bugs in the kitchen/living room either. That makes everyone (me & my parents) believe that it's all contained in their bedroom.
Yaay and ICK!
Even though we did major cleaning and purging in their room yesterday, sprayed alcohol around (supposed to suffocate those little gross bastards), they still saw bugs today. So they bought actual bug killer spray (which - OMIGAWD! Smells to high heaven and caused sneezing/coughing/gagging) and we went to TOWN spraying stuff down.
Here's hoping that after doing what we've done the last 2 days, and them staying on top of cleaning and vacuuming...those pesky little blood suckers LEAVE! or DIE! Either way, they need to be gone.
At least I know that it's safe to go to my parents house...just avoid their room like the plague. *duly noted*
Glad I was able to go over there and help (I even cleaned their bathroom for them!), because they are one of my sons favorite places to be.
I got to take one of the bottles of the bug killing spray home with me, and will be spraying the perimeter of every room/my home with this spray. I don't think we've got bed bugs, as the room Vincent sleeps in at the grandparents didn't have them. But I'd rather nip the problem in the bud before it becomes an ACTUAL problem. Better safe and bitten!
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