Last night, while I was at work, I noticed that there was a bump on the back of my head. I messed with it, figuring it was a zit (damn acne ANYWAY!). Nothing happened when I messed with it, but shortly after it began to ooze. I sorta forgot about it until I woke up today and noticed the back of my head hurts. So I ask my hubby to check it out & he does, takes a picture to show me what he sees, and I've got this strange booboo on my looks like I got hit on the head, and a few pieces of scalp got scraped away. Not sure what the heck is going on, but I sure don't like feeling like something crazy is going on with my scalp.
I hope that I can get into a dermatologist visit before the end of this month, since D still doesn't have a current insurance will stop at the end of the month. If not, I'll just have to keep an eye on it and hope D gets a job with quick insurance. *sigh*
Here's hoping it's nothing too serious. It's totally weird, I don't recall anyone ever dealing with something like this before, and it makes me feel kinda gross...ya know? Weird thingy on my head that oozes and looks like a wound. RAH!
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