Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bed Bugs...

Check out the link.  Fascinating (and itch inducing) information.

My parents have been infiltrated by bed bugs, and so a lot of cleaning and tossing has been going on.  I was there last night, and will be going there tonight, to help try and kill these bastards.

BUT EEEEWWWW!  I had to actually squish one last night while I was cleaning, and just...bleh!  I know my parents have been dealing with it for a while, and it wasn't until a couple days ago that they actually realized that the issues they've been having are bed bug related.

I'm watching my place closely.  Will probably go through deep cleaning every room, and doing "KILL THE BUGS" now...beat them to the punch.  It sucks that bed bugs are in my parents home because it's the last place I ever expected a nasty infestation to occur.

I'm kinda all over the place...but I need to get ready to go and help clean and spray the place down.  Hopefully we can get this resolved quickly!

V will be completely bummed if we don't get this under control, since he LOVES spending time at his grandparents house.  But I can't risk the bugs hitching a ride to my place, and while it's been a while before they realized what was going on - now that I know, gotta look out for him.  *sigh*


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